Fairwinds Baptist Church

Bear, DE
Monday June 23–Friday June 27 from 6 p.m.–8:15 p.m.
Howdy, partners!
Look to your left-do you see the cattle over yonder stampeding across the plains? Look to your right-can your eyes make out the sun-covered buttes of the desert? Look behind you-the brand-new transcontinental railroad is rumbling along the tracks! From the Badlands of South Dakota to the high peaks of the Rockies, there is wonder to be discovered everywhere we turn in the Old West!
Join us as we gallop through the wonder-filled West, where our friends at Wonder Junction will teach us about the grandest wonder of all-Jesus Christ. Each day, we'll dig deeper into who this awe-inspiring Jesus is answering questions such as:
What amazing things happened surrounding Jesus' birth?
What was Jesus like as a child and teen?
What wonders occurred during Jesus' ministry years?
How were Jesus' death and resurrection like no other?
What should we be doing as we wait for Jesus' return?
Wonder and amazement await us each day at Wonder Junction. It is here we will marvel at Jesus and live for His glory. So, dust off your boots, grab your bandana, and get ready for a rootin' tootin' good ol' time at Wonder Junction!
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DonateFairwinds Baptist Church—801 Seymour Road, Bear, DE 19701